ImmoTinder, the new platform for all property swappers

There is a widespread opinion that there are no more properties to buy in the canton of Zug and the region. The media further fuel this impression. Hegglin Group AG has a differentiated opinion on this. Its team carries out around 200 - 300 property valuations a year and thus comes into contact with many potential owners who are willing to sell. Owners who would like to sell, but fear that they will not find a suitable replacement property in time, or at all. They are actually faced with the dilemma that they would have sold their property in record time given the tight market situation, but cannot find their dream property.

For this reason, fewer and fewer are advertising their properties, especially senior citizens. They wait and hope that the right property will appear on the scene at a later date. But if everyone waits, the market comes to a standstill. A vicious circle.

Christine Hegglin, owner of Hegglin Group AG, has realised for some time that owners would be better off swapping their property instead of looking for it. One has what the other wants and vice versa. Some live in houses that have become too big with empty children's rooms, others in condominiums that have become too small for the addition to the family. Some aspire to the countryside, others back to the city, where they can reach shops, doctors and events effortlessly on foot or by public transport without a car. What could be more obvious than bringing the two together to swap their properties? 

Dhis circumstance inspired they use the Putting the idea of property swapping into practice. With Hans Schuppli and Kurt Egli she has  the ImmoTinder" property exchange platform was launched. The many customer enquiries and applications give their Rreal: the need anonymously and discreetly want to sell - and buy - a property, is large. Within short time have more than 80 property owners registered. Exciting For owners is moreoverthat the to be bought and selling Property not on the market for everyone to see but only discreet and suitable prospective buyers within the Real estate exchange offered become. A first flat exchange has already been in of the city of Zug. More to follow.

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with passion

Christine Hegglin


058 510 95 70

Joe Hegglin

Architect HTL
Federally qualified real estate trustee

079 334 49 77

Kurt Thomas Egli

Real estate valuer

058 510 95 74 079 729 22 05

Gregor Speck


058 510 95 78

Marco Bordonaro

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058 510 95 81

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Diana Huber

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