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Opinion on property prices on the Zug market

The Zug property market is hot. Winter 23/24: Many estate agents are scenting big and fast money here. The temptation is not insignificant for estate agents under pressure to make acquisitions to offer exaggerated sales prices (i.e. hedonic market value with an incomprehensible [...]

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The real estate market awakens from hibernation

Officially, humans do not hibernate, unlike many animals. And yet many people lack the energy to tackle new things during the dark winter months. This changes at the latest with the changeover to daylight saving time and [...]

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The right of residence

Sell your beloved home and still stay in it! Too high future investment requirements for your property, too low a retirement pension or financial bottlenecks can make a property sale unavoidable - there are many reasons. But the emotional attachment [...]

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with passion

Christine Hegglin


058 510 95 70

Joe Hegglin

Architect HTL
Federally qualified real estate trustee

079 334 49 77

Kurt Thomas Egli

Real estate valuer

058 510 95 74 079 729 22 05

Gregor Speck


058 510 95 78

Marco Bordonaro

Photographer and videographer

058 510 95 81

Manon Hauser

Back Office Real Estate Sales in Training

058 510 95 84

Alexandra Lang

Real estate agent

058 510 95 87

Diana Huber

Real estate agent

058 510 95 77

Cedric Zimmermann

Back Office Real Estate Sales in Training

058 510 95 82

Nadine Figueiredo

Back Office

058 510 95 71