What you can expect at the notary appointment

Because a property transaction is a big decision and involves a lot of money, the law requires a neutral professional: the notary. At the notary appointment, you can finalise the sale of your property and at the same time be protected from hasty decisions.

Wenn Sie nach hoffentlich nicht allzu langer Suche einen Käufer für Ihr Haus gefunden haben, ist die erste Hürde gemeistert. Nun steht der Vertragsabschluss an. Damit der Vertrag für den Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie rechtlich wirksam ist, muss ein Notar den Kaufvertrag beurkunden. Denn ein neutraler Fachmann soll vor übereilten Entscheidungen schützen, die Vertragsparteien belehren und sämtlichen Schriftverkehr mit den Behörden, wie das Stellen von Anträgen, übernehmen. Deshalb ist ein Immobilienkaufvertrag erst dann rechtlich vollzogen, wenn der Notar ihn beurkundet hat. In der Regel verfasst der Notar auch den Kaufvertrag. Serviceorientierte Makler bieten außerdem an, einen Entwurf vom Kaufvertrag zu erstellen.

What are the notary's duties?                 

It is not part of the notary's job to check the creditworthiness or reliability of the contractual partners. An estate agent may have already done this for you. However, the notary can ensure that the seller does not suffer any disadvantages if the buyer does not pay. He issues a deed, which at the same time forms an enforcement title. This enables the seller to obtain a compulsory enforcement order against the buyer. In such cases, the seller can also withdraw from the purchase contract.

For a quick and smooth process, the notary needs the following documents:

  • Purchase price
  • Handover date
  • Indication of material defects (if any)
  • Land register extract
  • Personal details

If you sell a property privately without an estate agent, you will usually need more appointments with the notary. With a property expert, only one notarisation appointment with the notary is necessary. At this appointment, the notary reads out the contract that has been drawn up. This is also the last opportunity to make changes. As a property purchase contract is not easy to understand, it is advisable to make use of the notary's duty to advise and to obtain detailed information. No further costs are charged for this.

On request, a preliminary meeting can also be held before the actual notarisation date. At this meeting, a preliminary draft contract is drawn up and the contract components are discussed with all parties.

Are you unsure about the documents required by the notary or do you have questions about the notarisation process? We will be happy to help you.

Photo: © djedzura

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