Only sunshine and a mild climate all year round? Spend the days on your own veranda with a cocktail? In the afternoon play a round of golf? That's the way to enjoy your well-earned retirement. That's why more and more pensioners are thinking: the main thing is to get away! But there are traps.
German senior citizens are living longer and longer and have never been as healthy today. When the children have left home and working life is behind them behind them, many senior citizens are enjoying their new freedom. They are increasingly flexible and mobile. They actively organise their leisure time. They travelling to exotic places or going on cruise ship tours. More and more older people are even moving their retirement home abroad. abroad.
Many people dream of summer, sun, beach and sea. However, the warmest countries are not necessarily the most suitable. After all, what good is the view of the sea if the nearest hospital is kilometres away kilometres away or the doctor speaks neither German nor English? Who, for example Miami, for example - popular with many senior citizens because of its pleasant climate climate - must know that the cost of living in the USA is higher than in Germany. than in Germany.
The most suitable countries for pensioners include Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Spain. In these countries, the cost of living is low and medical care is very good. And You don't have to do without sun and beaches here either.
It is also advisable to pay attention to a few other things, when moving your retirement home abroad. Emigrants can find out whether their chosen country really suits them by asking themselves the following questions, for example:
- Do I know the mentality of the country?
- Is the climate something for me?
- How well do I cope with the distance to my home?
- Can I eat the typical dishes of the country?
A person from Hamburg might find it difficult to answer these questions in the affirmative answer in the affirmative if he only imagines living in the Bavarian province. Bavarian province. Experts therefore advise that anyone wishing to emigrate should at least have at least been on holiday in this country before.
A move abroad therefore needs to be well planned. To get the most out of the benefit from the move, it is also important to seek advice about pensions pensions, taxes and insurance.
But if you prepare well and choose your destination country wisely, you can a relaxed retirement with more purchasing power than in Germany. in Germany.
Are you toying with the idea of spending your retirement abroad and have questions about what will become of your property? Contact us us! We will be happy to advise you.